
Site which contains articles about hacking, pentesting, red team and hackthebox platform solutions write-ups by m3talm3rg3

About M 3 t a l m 3 r g 3

M3talm3rg3 is a computer engineer whose main interest is offensive security, has experience in networks, certified in CCNA.Recently got the certification eJPT

Recently started in the field of pentesting, working as a junior security analyst

Pursuing OSCP and CRTO certification

CyberApocalypse 2022 by HTB

Blinker Fluids

This challenge it's about exploiting a vulnerability according to the [CVE-2021-2363] that allows RCE.

Checking the app gives a option to create a new item.

This function is using markdown to create the invoice.

So starts to create a new invoice and then export the invoice to PDF and we can view the text.

Searching in google markdown pdf vulns we find an article about local file reading so we tried it in the app.


The payload doesn't work but we tried another XSS payload and it works, we managed to read files

XSS ok!!!

Create a invoice with this payload: <script>document.write('<iframe src="index.js" width="800" height="900"></iframe>')</script>

And got it , read files!!!!!

Try to read the flag.txt but we can read files outside the current directory. We analyze the source code.

Source Code

So at this point, we have a way to read files from the dir, we need to find a way to be able to run commands to read the flag and read it into the pdf.

Analyzing the source code we realize the use of md-to-pdf.

We search in google, we find the CVE and a PoC so we see the code to search for the vulnerable function.

PoC md-to-pdf.

We execute the PoC payload by reading the /flag.txt file and redirecting the contents to a file in the current directory. ---jsn((require("child_process")).execSync("cat /flag.txt > flag.txt"))n--nRCE

At the same time run the previous vuln so the new invoice looks like this in burpsuite :

And export it to show the pdf. And we can read the flag